Moonlit Knight #10 (Chapter 152) Release

I wonder if Birdy and Gomez will actually team up in the upcoming chapters? This chapter seems to indicate that a temporary alliance might be struck O:!

Gomez has always been one of the more “interesting” character in this series with an ambiguous agenda, so I’d love to see some more panels devoted for his character development.

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Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #9 (Chapter 151) Release

Birdy vs Military. Fight! Well… not quite, but things are definitely heating up between the various factions.

Enjoy (:!

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Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #8 (Chapter 150) Release

Another chapter of of our favorite alien lady, Birdy. I really enjoyed translating this chapter (:


Update: Corrected a minor typo on page 133 (thanks rivereagles999).

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Shion ❤

Have any music suggestions ♪?

Chapter 150 is currently being proof read, and unless I’ve completed forgotten how to write English within the last 2 weeks, I’m pretty confident any minor corrections will be quick and thus a release will happen within the next ~24 hours (:!

But more importantly, I’m curious if any readers have any suggestions for music. I’ll embed a few tracks that I really enjoy. Hopefully some of you out there will have suggestions for music or artists of a similar style C:


Suggest away ♪♪!

Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #7 (Chapter 149) Release

Camera, lights, and action! Chapter 149 promises to be full of revelations all around (:!

Oh, I was being a dunce and disabled commenting on the Hakubo no Chronicle post by accident, so if anyone  had feedback but was unable to express it, I’ve enabled commenting so feel free to retroactively comment on it.

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Shion ❤


Surprise Pilot: Hakubo no Chronicle

I alluded to this in both my tweet and translation credits last week. For those that don’t know what Hakubo no Chronicle is, it’s a relatively new manga by Yuuki Masami that’s currently ongoing (Volume 9 was released this August).

It’s quite different from Birdy (if you like one, you may not necessarily like the other). Thus, I decided to translate the first dozen or so pages as a pilot, to gauge interest and level of effort needed on my end (it’s more dialogue based, roughly 50% more text compared to Birdy on average).

Read it for yourself, and see if you’d like to see more of it. No promises whatsoever that I’ll pick up both series simultaneously…!

P.S. Since this series isn’t licensed, and no real Western presence exist for it, I took the liberty of translating the name as “White Twilight Chronicles”. It’s quite literal, but I find it fitting (:.

Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #6 (Chapter 148) Release

Yay! The inaugural chapter of a team effort between @Benhbell and myself. He did the cleaning and proof reading (catching a bunch of typos that I completely missed!).

Moonlit Knight arc countdown: 22 chapters to go!

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Shion ❤

Release milestone mini-celebration

As I’m sure many readers would already know, Birdy’s been through a handful of translators/groups, so I decided to take inventory and see where the rankings stood.

Chikan-Manga & REwork: 8 Chapters

2BIG: 31 Chapters

Ronin Ixiorian (reigning champ!): 99 Chapters

Shion Arita: 10 Chapters

We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings of just a handful of chapters into the double digit territory (:!

Some other numbers of note:

There are a total of 28 chapters in the Moonlit Knight arc (23 more to go!)

There are “only” 71 chapters left before Birdy ends.

Birdy’s sequel, Evolution, contains 140 chapters.

Oh, there’ll be a mini-surprise next week d:. Please look forward to it!

Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #5 (Chapter 147) Release

Tada! Yet another chapter translated (:

Update: October 7, 2016. A typo was fixed on the chapter title spread. I have updated the download links accordingly to v2.

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Shion ❤

Moonlit Knight #4 (Chapter 146) Release

And we’re back with yet another chapter of Birdy’s Adventures (:!

Font votes: The result was pretty clear. Anime Ace won 3 to 1 versus Basic Comical, so Anime Ace it is.

Good news: @Benhbell volunteered to help with cleaning future chapters, which should help with speeding up future releases slightly.

I noticed a difference between Ronin’s and my translation, but it was too minor to bother writing up a Translation Note page. I’ll just relay it here: Ronin romanized “真僕会病院” incorrectly as “Shinbokkai Hospital”, whereas it’s more correctly romanized as “Shinbokukai” (notice the extra u between the k‘s). It’s minor enough that most reader won’t notice the difference, but I thought I’d point it out that it’s intentional, and not a typo on my part.

Without further ado, Chapter 146: Moonlit Knight #4

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Shion ❤