Moonlit Knight #4 (Chapter 146) Release

And we’re back with yet another chapter of Birdy’s Adventures (:!

Font votes: The result was pretty clear. Anime Ace won 3 to 1 versus Basic Comical, so Anime Ace it is.

Good news: @Benhbell volunteered to help with cleaning future chapters, which should help with speeding up future releases slightly.

I noticed a difference between Ronin’s and my translation, but it was too minor to bother writing up a Translation Note page. I’ll just relay it here: Ronin romanized “真僕会病院” incorrectly as “Shinbokkai Hospital”, whereas it’s more correctly romanized as “Shinbokukai” (notice the extra u between the k‘s). It’s minor enough that most reader won’t notice the difference, but I thought I’d point it out that it’s intentional, and not a typo on my part.

Without further ado, Chapter 146: Moonlit Knight #4

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Shion ❤

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